The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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National Dombra day!

Every self-respecting people should honor their spiritual values, which make this people a people. This is the duty of all the peoples of the world. As Kadyr Myrza Ali said, "A real Kazakh is not a Kazakh, a real Kazakh is a dombra"! And indeed, when they talk about the Kazakh people, the first thing that comes to mind is dombra.

With the independence of Kazakhstan, bright times have come for Dombra as well. The first Sunday of July is declared Dombra Day, and its wide celebration is a sign of our friendliness. Dombra is worthy of this. Let's honor people singing and playing the dombra on this day. And let Dombra live in the heart of our people not only on this day, but also on all three hundred and sixty-five days of the year.

In the open-air archaeological park "Ancient Taraz", which belongs to the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of аncient Taraz", the kuis "Yerke silkym", "Balbirauyn", "Balbulak", "Salkuren" were performed by students of the dombra school "Galamat". After viewing the creativity of young people, a tour of the historical object of the museum-reserve was organized.