The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Under the guidance of the leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology named after A. H. Margulan, PhD Dr. Akymbek Yeraly, 14 km away to the north-west of the village of Tegistik, Baizak district of Zhambyl region, archaeological excavations of tortkul dating from the 10th -12th centuries are being conducted. During the excavations, exploration work was carried out, a square was defined in the plan , with a wall length of 140 m.There are traces of fencing up to 3.5 m high along the perimeter. During the work started on the tortkul, numerous fragments of ceramics and animal bones were found. The purpose of the excavations is to identify, preserve and popularize the ancient tortkul and the found artifacts as part of the historical and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages. The archaeological excavations were attended by employees of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of аncient Taraz" Tazhibaev B. and Rysbay Zh. Archaeological excavations of Tortkul are continuing...