The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Let's preserve our historical heritage!

Employees of the historical and cultural museum – reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" Laura Baitursynova and Aliya Ospanova gave a live interview in the morning program "Good Morning, Zhambyl" of the Jambyl TV channel, which was held specifically for the International Day of protection of monuments and historical places. During the conversation, congratulating colleagues on the occasion of the significant date,they spoke about the ongoing and planned work on the preservation, study and promotion of historical and cultural monuments of international and national significance of the museum-reserve.In particular, five major medieval cities located on the territory of Zhambyl region, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as monuments of the network of routes" Chang'an-Tien Shan corridor of the Great Silk Road " were reported. In conclusion, the museum staff urged to preserve the spiritual and valuable heritage of our native land in the blink of an eye, to increase the sense of patriotism among young people for the Motherland, the country, and the land.