The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Campaign "Gift to the Museum"

Replenishment of the museum fund of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" in the framework of the museum campaign "Gift to the Museum" for 2019-2020.  

1. On 13.05.2019, the excavator O. T. Shalbaev transferred to the funds of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" the archaeological finds that he discovered while conducting earthworks on Tashkent street near the archaeological park "Kone Taraz".Shalbaev found 2 ceramic vessels and one fragment of a metal object. One of the ceramic vessels has a spherical body, decorated with unique ornamentation in the form of rivets and wavy patterns that repeat the shape of a horseshoe and a braided harness.The second pitcher has a pear-shaped body, narrow-necked. According to the form, ornamentation and manufacturing technology, these ceramic vessels date back to the period of 10th-12th centuries.A fragment of a metellic product is a part of a tube (1/2 part), ornamented with arabic epigraphy and intertwined with a floral pattern and an ornament "Koshkar muyiz".

The found artifacts


Drawing of a metal ornament


Type of metal part cleaning


2. On 14.06.2019, Aigerim Bakbergenova, a resident of Turksib village, handed over to the funds of the reserve-Museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" an archaeological find - a jug discovered in her own yard while conducting land works. The pitcher has a pear-shaped assimetrico shape, wide-mouthed, the Corolla twisted to the outside. Made by hand molding, the dough contains impurities of sand and slag. The roasting is uneven. The vessel dates back to the 3rd-2nd centuries BC, the period of settlement of the uisun and kangyu tribes on the territory of the Zhambyl region.

3. On 19.07.2019, a resident of Taraz, A. Alimkhanov, transferred to the funds of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz", which he found in his own garden (2 lane, 22 Khmelevsky street) 4 archaeological ceramic objects while conducting land works. The transferred artifacts are medieval kitchen items: a teapot with a long spout, a bowl, a fragment of a mortar (the lower part of the body), a lamp on three legs. These artifacts date back to the Karakhanid era (10th-11th centuries).

4. On 10.10.2019, Yermakhan Aitzhanuly, a resident of Taraz, gave to the fund of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" a silver coin that he discovered while working in his garden (60 Starikov street). The coin was examined by the candidate of Sciences, numismatist Petrov Pavel Nikolaevich. The coin is a dirhem. Obverse-seal of Haidu Khan (sign "f"), reverse - 1268 city of Otrar.

5. 29.10.2019 resident of the village Zhetibay Baizak district of Zhambyl region K.Tambiyeva discovered 2 ceramic vessels (humas) while conducting agricultural work on the territory of her garden and transferred them to the funds of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz". One of the hums is pear-shaped, the neck is not preserved. The second hum is spherical in shape, there are chips and cracks on the edges of the neck. The vessels date from the 10th-12th centuries.

6. 31.10.2019 a resident of Taraz L. A. Hopeline donated fund reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" copper jug-the metall vessel, which was kept in the family Khapilina as a family heirloom, passed down. The jug is well preserved, there are traces of restoration by soldering. The jug dates from the late 19th-early 20th centuries, the time of the Aulie-Ata period.

7. On 01.11.2019, K. B. Zhetpisbayev, a resident of Aisha Bibi village in Zhambyl region, donated 6 ornamented fragments of bricks to the fund of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz", which he discovered when cleaning the ditch near the Aisha Bibi mausoleum. These artefacts have identical forms in the masonry walls of the Aisha Bibi mausoleum, so they belong to the unique design of the medieval mausoleum of the 11th-12th centuries. Aisha Bibi mausoleum, 11th-12th centuries.

It is located on the outskirts of the village of Aisha Bibi, 20 km West of the city of Taraz, on a long-busy trade route, near the medieval town of Juvikat, previously located here, known from written sources of the 10th century. It is distinguished by the splendor of decorative design of facades, solid facing of terracotta slabs of various shapes and ornaments. The entire surface of the facades, niches, columns is lined with carved figured terracotta tiles, more than 60 types of various shapes and patterns. The decorative ornament is based on plant and geometric motifs. Tiles are fixed by pinching elongated elements of rump "tails"in the wall treasure. The interiors are made in front brickwork, typical of Karakhanid mausoleums.

8. On 24.01.2020, a resident of Taraz Rakhimov Tahir Beksultanuly handed over to the fund of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" a vessel discovered during land works in his own garden. Ceramic jug pear-shaped, wide-necked, corolla roller-shaped, curved out. There is a crack on the neck, the bottom is not preserved. The vessel dates from the 9th-11th centuries.

9. On 12.05.2020, a resident of Taraz Adilet Kesikbayev transferred to the funds of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz", transferred a collection of artifacts discovered during land works on his own plot located near the settlement of Lower Baryskhan. The collected collection consists of stone ball-shaped items, fragments of metal products (overlays, buckles), two copper coins and a bronze figure in the form of a mountain goat (Tau Teke), made in the "animal style". These artifacts indicate that the Talas valley was inhabited from the early middle ages and the development of local handicraft production.

10. On 28.05.2020, a resident of Taraz, Barbasynov Kundyzaly Saparaliuly, handed over to the funds of the reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz", a large vessel – hum, discovered during land works in his own garden (6 Smailova street). The pitcher was buried in the ground at a depth of 1.5-2 m. it was covered with a stone slab from the top. Traces of decayed seeds of cereals (millet) were found in the vessel. The vessel dates from the 10th-11th centuries.