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Folk legends about the Karakhan mazar (Aulie-Ata)

The interest of the population, tourists and pilgrims to the "holy place" - the mausoleum "Aulie-Ata" has not faded for many centuries, and the preserved folk legends and legends tell about the events of the past years.Folk legends connect the personality of the deceased and the mausoleum of Karakhan itself with the mausoleum of Aisha-bibi. Telling the tragic story of their love, all the legends canonize Karakhan as a saint, which explains his second name "Aulie-Ata".

Doctor of Philology Zh. Dadebaev in his article “Legends of the Talas Territory” writes: “The real name of Saint Karakhan is Sha-Makhmud. From childhood, Holy Father Karakhan possessed extraordinary abilities. Both in reality and in dreams he could meet and converse with the saints. " Old residents of the city cite the following legend about the personality of Karakhan:

“Already being quite an adult, Karakhan once had a dream: as if everything around was illuminated by the brightest light, and he himself seemed to be in its stream. Before him is a white-bearded old man in white clothes, who says that Karakhan was born to ascend the banner of Islam. If Karakhan accepts the Muslim faith, he will become a holy khan and the Creator's favorite slave. Karakhan, having received a blessing in a dream, accepted the Muslim faith. When he woke up, he felt a clarity of mind, a surge of strength and serenity.

Before his death, Saint Karakhan summoned his son to him and handed him the horsehair of his black horse: “After my death, wait for the invasion of the enemy. When this happens, set fire to the horse's hair and I will appear. " With these words, he closed his eyes.

Many years later. The son, who inherited the throne of his father, grew old, but the expected enemy never appeared. In deep thought, he decided to set fire to the stored hair. As soon as a hair began to burn, an armed Karakhan appeared on horseback, asking: "Where is the enemy?" And then his son answered: “Forgive me, father. The enemy did not attack your people. And the hair was set on fire to make sure of the truth of your words." Karakhan looked reproachfully at his son and said: "What a pity! Now the newcomers will overtake our people in their development." He said it and disappeared."

Source: Minutes of meetings and reports of members of the TKAL. Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan. "Turan"-2011 - Information From V. P. Pankov. From the minutes of the meeting of the General meeting of members of the Turkestan circle of archaeology lovers, may 5, 1897.