The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

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Aisha Bibi

A symbol of eternal love: the mausoleum of Aisha Bibi.

Folk legends brought to us the poetic legend of the love and devotion of the young beauty Aisha to the brave warrior Karakhan. The beautiful Aisha was the daughter of a noble person Hakim-Ata, who was popularly called Zengy Baba. Karakhan fell in love with 16-year-old Aisha at first sight. The incomparable Aisha was also inflamed with passion for Karakhan.

Aisha's father refused to give his daughter to Karakhan, who was a khan, but did not belong to a noble family. The saddened young man left for his native places, the lands of his family were in the area of ​​modern Taraz. Having warned her mother Anuar ana, but not having achieved the blessing of her father, Aisha got ready for the road. “You will cross six rivers, but you cannot cross the seventh,” her father told her. Aisha crossed six rivers. Before the seventh, she stopped, remembering her father's spell.

Father's curse came true. The bite of a snake crawling out from under the stone was fatal. The deceased beauty Aisha Bibi was buried right there. Her inseparable nanny and friend Babaja Khatun became the guardian of the grave. Her devotion knew no bounds. Therefore, when Babaja died, she was buried nearby.

Karakhan arrived too late ... Shocked and heartbroken, Karakhan ordered to erect a mausoleum on the hill on the grave of his beloved beauty, thereby inscribing the name of Aisha in eternity.

Karakhan lived a long life. He had several wives, but their names have not been brought to us by history. Dying, Karakhan bequeathed to bury himself in such a place from where Aisha's mausoleum could be seen.

The mausoleum itself looks incredibly light and graceful. For more than eight centuries, it has stood against the winds and bad weather, as a witness to great love. According to legend, in ancient times, sounds and voices in the building were echoed at a distance of 50-100 meters. For ten centuries the mausoleum of Karakhan and Aisha Bibi were the tallest buildings in Taraz.