The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Information about museum’s income

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In July 2023, 776 017tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 2 224,05tenge.          

                                       chores – 1 074 376 tenge

             The total amount of expenses in July amounted was 1 076 616 tenge. The remaining funds 300 599,05 tenge will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In June  2023, 668 934 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 2 272,34 tenge.          

                                       postal service – 5 900 tenge

                                       chores –  1 475 233 tenge.

             The total amount of expenses in June amounted was 1 483 405,34 tenge. The remaining funds 814 471,34 will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In May 2023,554 094 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 2 467,23tenge.          

                                       chores – 187 400tenge

             The total amount of expenses in May amounted was 364 226 tenge 77 tyin. The remaining funds (320536 tenge) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In April 2023, 357 936 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 1100 tenge.           

                                       postal service – 33300 tenge

                                       chores – 3000 tenge.

             The total amount of expenses in April amounted was 37400 tenge. The remaining funds (320536 tenge) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In March 2023,  294 510 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri".  Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 893,76  tenge,          

                                       postal service – 7300 tenge.

             The total amount of expenses in March amounted was 8193 tenge. The remaining funds (286 316 tenge 24 tyin) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In February 2023, 119 610 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 1100 tenge.          

                                       postal service – 238 154,56 tenge

                                       chores – 27 000 tenge.


             The total amount of expenses in February amounted was 266 254,56 tenge. The remaining funds (146 644 tenge) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In January 2023, 117878 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:


                                        banking activities – 500 tenge.            

             The total amount of expenses in September amounted was 500 tenge. The remaining funds (117378 tenge 76 tiyn) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

       The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

       The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

         In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In September 2022,402036 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri". Of this amount , it is directed to:

                                        banking activities - 1527,24 tenge,

                                        on landscaping works - 157093 tenge.



             The total amount of expenses in September amounted was 158620,24 tenge. The remaining funds (243415 tenge 76 tiyn) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

In September 2022, 667,660 tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri". Of this amount, it is directed to:

banking activities - 1,969.15 tenge,

on landscaping works - 97818.60 tenge.

The total amount of expenses in September amounted was 99,787.75 tenge. The remaining funds (567872 tenge 25 tiyn) will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.

«Ежелгі Тараз ескерткіштері»  мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығы» республикалық мемлекеттік мекемесі Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2015 жылғы 24 шілдедегі № 585 қаулысына сәйкес Қазақстан Республикасы Мәдениет және спорт министрлігінің «Ежелгі Тараз ескерткіштері мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығы» республикалық мемлекеттік қазыналық кәсіпорны болып қайта ұйымдастырылды.

Кәсіпорынның қызметі бюджет қаражаты (республикалық бюджет есебінен 90% - ы субсидияланады) және Қазақстан Республикасының бюджет заңнамасында айқындалған тәртіппен алынған өз табысы (10%) есебінен даму жоспарына сәйкес қаржыландырылады.

Қаржылық қызметтің ашықтығын қамтамасыз ету мақсатында музей-қорығы әкімшілігі қайырымдылық жарналар есебінен түскен қаражаттың түсуі мен жұмсалуы бойынша ай сайынғы деректерді жариялайды:

2022 жылдың тамыз айында «Ежелгі Тараз ескерткіштері» мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығының қайырымдылық және демеушілік шотына 673 011 теңге түсті.  Осы сомадан:

банк қызметі – 1 882,54 теңге,  

шаруашылық жұмыстарына – 29 500 теңге,

пошта қызметі – 4 800 теңге жұмсалды.

Тамыз айында шығыстардың жалпы сомасы 36 182,54 теңгені құрады. Қалған қаражат (636828 теңге 46 тиын) музей-қорығының келесі айға жоспарланған жұмыстарына жұмсалады.